Friday, July 20, 2012

Blog Entry 10: Song Quote

"Both of Us" B.O.B. featuring Taylor Swift

"I wish I was strong enough
to lift not one, but both of us
Someday I will be strong enough
to lift not one, but both of us"

This song right now has to be the only song on my ipod on replay.  In my opinion, B.O.B. and Taylor Swift sing together as though they are a couple.  In the verses he talks about how he understands the struggles people go through with money, trying to fit in,  and how "life is an uphill battle."  He goes on to talk about how there are more important things in life than material things, so just keep your head up and focus on what is important in life.  The part I quoted is the chorus of the song that Taylor Swift sings.  Basically reiterating to her significant other, that she wishes she could be the one to make everything better, get rid of the struggles they both face, but in the future she knows she will be able to.

I think the reason I like the song so much, is because it kind of reminds me of my relationship with my wife.  We got married really young, and have been married for three years.  Having said that there are a lot of struggles newly married couples go through, but being young, makes those struggles more intense.  Her and I always say to each other, "someday will be our day."  Just meaning, someday, we will both have successful careers, no stress of money issues and have a family of our own.

Has anyone else out there heard this song?

1 comment:

  1. James, I had to look this song up on you-tube because I hadn't heard of it and I am a big Taylor Swift fan. I am so glad I did. It is an awesome song. And I so agree with you on your interpretation of the song. I will be downloading this song onto my iPhone. :)

