Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blog Entry 21: Scene Response

Despite the obvious differences in the times the two movies were filmed, there was in my opinion great delivery of the lines by the actors in the movies.  Being a newer film, I did enjoy the costumes of the Lawrence Fishbourne film, however, Anthony Hopkins is one of my favorite actors and I enjoyed his delivery of the lines. 

My only criticism would be that Anthony Hopkins did not really capture the "Moor" character of Othello as I had pictured it in my head.  He delivered the lines with great conviction, but I would have to say overall, Lawrence Fisbourne made a much more convincing Othello. 

I enjoyed watching the clips of the two scenes from the different movies.  It is interesting to see how things change over the years and how the play is adapted in its most recent movie, O.

1 comment:

  1. Hi James, I too liked the Fishbourne film better and although I do like Hopkins, I thought his portrayal of Othello was a little over the top. His lines were well delivered but his acting was just a little more exaggerated and that may be due to the difference of a few years and the progression of film over those years. Nicely said.
